
Endless European wars

David Ignatius writes:


"If Putin prevails, it will harm the interests of America and Europe for decades."

Who gives a shit?
Who cares whether Ukraine is independent or a part of Russia?
I don't.

Apparently for some Americans that is a significant issue.
I disagree.
That is an issue strictly within Europe.
Time for America to stay out of these conflicts within Europe.

And, though some will disagree, 
I think we should make friends with Russia.

Ignatius concludes his piece with:

"But it’s not sentimentality that underlies deeper American support for Ukraine, 
but U.S. national interest."

What bullshit!
Ignatius doesn't know the American national interest from a hole in the ground.
The American national interest is not to get involved in, or promote, such irrelevant-to-America wars.
For example, look at how much damage this war has done, one way or the other, to the German manufacturing sector.
Did that promote America's national interest?
Was destroying Germany's industrial strength in America's interest?

Ignatius can write as many novels and columns as he likes,
 but he clearly doesn't understand the American national interest.


The murder of white girls

Are white girls being murdered?
Just see this:


See the photos of the young white girls who were murdered.


Women and World War III

How many women have prioritized the issue of women's access to abortion over 
avoiding World War III?

I am not taking a stand on abortion rights, one way or the other.
That is a very difficult question.
But what I do take a stand on is the issue of preventing World War III

It should be clear to all that the paramount issue should be preventing World War III.

We hear that "Women want a choice".
Well, here is one choice you have.
Which is more important to you:
Your access to abortion, or
avoiding World War III?

It is most unfortunate that you have to make that choice.
but Kamela Harris having placed herself with those who are promoting World War III
unfortunately forces you to make that choice.

A vote for Kamela is a vote for totally unnecessary wars.

Women have to make this decision: 

which is more important to them:

their access to abortion, or
preventing World War III?

It is most unfortunate that Kamala Harris is forcing them to make that decision.


Democrats: stooges of Ukraine


"Pressure builds on Biden from within his own party to ease Ukraine strike restrictions"


"Pressure is building on President Joe Biden, including from within his own party, to loosen the restrictions on Ukraine’s use of US-provided weapons to strike deep inside Russia."

See how the Ukraine-loving scum is trying to get us into WWIII.

Which is more important: abortion rights or avoiding World War III?

This is an issue that is implicit in the 2024 election choice.

That abortion rights are of great importance to many voters is clear.
I note the media keeps hyping this issue, keeping it at the front of people's minds.

OTOH, there is the issue of 
which presidential candidate is more likely to get U.S. into World War III.
There really can be no doubt on that issue:
Based on her statements
https://youtu.be/071AJxJ9pHM , 
Kamala Harris is far more likely to get the U.S. into World War III 
than Donald Trump.

The media pays far less attention to this issue than it does to abortion.
But which is more significant?
Again, I think the answer is clear.

As to her remarks in the video cited above,
Her assertion of what Putin's goals are, 
beyond ensuring that Ukraine is not a military threat to Russia, 
is challenged by many,
who aren't so eager to get the U.S. into conflict with Russia.

See, e.g., John Mearsheimer at 


Harris is big on looking to the future.
Well, there is a policy that was stated in 1824 she might heed:

"[America] goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy. 
She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. 
She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. 
She will recommend the general cause by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example. 
She well knows that 
by once enlisting under other banners than her own, 
<B>were they even the banners of foreign Independence</b>, 
she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, 
in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, 
which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom." 


"beyond the power of extrication"
Boy, ain't that the truth, of what the risk is of war with Russia.

My view:
Harris is a pawn of the warmongers in America.

In sharp contrast to what Harris said about Ukraine, 
here is what Trump said:
I fully agree with what Trump said about Ukraine.

“I think it’s in the U.S. best interest to get this war finished and just get it done. ...
Negotiate a deal. 
Because we have to stop all of these human lives from being destroyed.”

I would have added 
"And not bring on World War III."

When it comes to Ukraine, 
Trump is head and shoulders above Harris.
Just read what Trump says in the Politico article.

To put it another way, 
support for Ukraine is a high risk/low reward policy for the U.S.

The Politico article ends with this:

"And for all of Harris and Biden’s public support for Ukraine, 
Trump is saying loudly something that at least some members of the current administration say softly: 
that a negotiated end to the war may ultimately be in all sides’ interest."

Something the U.S. pointedly ignored, back in December 2021, 
when the war could have been averted through a compromise, 
as John Mearsheimer points out:

A number of people worrying about the threat of nuclear war with Russia appear on Judge Napolitano's YouTube channel.
Search YouTube for Judge Napolitano.

Meanwhile, that well-known expert on the risk of World War III, Taylor Swift, has made her preference known:

Does the threat of WWIII not concern her?
Or does it, and she can't see any difference between the two presidential candidates on that issue?


Sundance is a Marxist

(Sundance is the proprietor of a prominent blog
"The Conservative Treehouse"
theconservativetreehouse.com )

In what way is the assertion in the subject line true?
Because he constantly pushes the idea that powerful people (descriptors he uses include "the Davos set", the WEF, and in America, "the Sea Island crowd", 
use the control over society they undeniably have
for strictly economic reasons, 
to improve and protect their economic status.

What does this have to do with Karl Marx?
Sundance's theory may be described as <I>economic determinism</I>.
You can read about it at


"Economic determinism is the social and economic idea that 
all parts of a society or culture 
are created as a result of economic processes and systems. 
This political, social, and economic theory 
was developed by Karl Marx as he and Fredrich Engels developed the central tenets of Marxism."

See also 


Sundance probably doesn't fit all the characteristics of being a Marxist, 
but he does share the economic determinism one.


"DHS doesn't give a damn about Americans being killed."

Who said that?
Congressman Tim Burchett:

Vdare.com tried to put a spotlight on this, 
and the New York AG promptly trumped up excuses to drive them off the Internet 

What was the problem with Vdare?

Dick Cheney: A dirty warmonger


We know Dick Cheney:
A man who supported totally unnecessary wars, which have cost the U.S. dearly.

He has zero understanding of the U.S. national interest.
Specifically, to not get the U.S. into totally unnecessary wars which cost the U.S. dearly.

So now does he wants to get the U.S. into a totally unnecessary conflict with Russia over, God help us, Ukraine?
Who is he stooging for?

What I think should be clear from his track record:
He doesn't know **** about the U.S. national interest.

And what do I mean by the U.S. national interest?
Not getting the U.S. into wars which have zero relevance to the U.S., but cost the U.S. dearly.
A concept which Cheney has clearly never acknowledged.


A moral issue

There are those who want the U.S. to continue funding U.S. support for Ukraine.
Where do those funds come from?

The USG currently runs a very sizable deficit.
That means the USG has to sell bonds to finance its activities.

And on whom falls the obligation to repay the bondholders?
By and large, not the current generation, but later generations.
I.e., we are putting future generations deeper and deeper in debt.

Should we put future generations in debt to finance Ukraine's resistance to Russia?
I think absolutely not.

That is the correct way to think about U.S. support for Ukraine, IMO.

The important point is:
what are the country's vital needs?
("The country" being the USA.)
Surely support for Ukraine is not one of them.


Who Joe Biden speaks to

"The White House said he spoke with Goldberg-Polin’s parents and offered condolences."

Apparently he has never spoken to the mother of Rachel Morin.

Rachel Morin's family slams Biden-Harris for silence over her murder allegedly committed by illegal migrant


"The Morin family is deeply disappointed by the lack of acknowledgment and compassion from President Biden and his administration"


Shows who matters to Joe Biden.
Not white Americans.

The promotion of sterilization

"In 1939, he published pamphlets as "chairman of the American Federation of Peace" that argued 
that Americans should be sterilized so that their children will no longer have to fight in foreign wars.

In 1941, he wrote and published "Germany Must Perish!" which called for 
the sterilization of the German people"


Now of course now sterilization is being promoted using 
the euphemisms "gender affirmation" and "health care."

Team DEI versus success

By my measure, SpaceX is a very successful company.
Indeed, NASA is now entrusting SpaceX to bring its astronauts back to earth

But SpaceX is not good enough for Team DEI.
It is not living up to their standards.

Successful you are?
Serving and benefiting America you are?

Not good enough for us.
You are not doing it in the right way (according to team DEI).

So much for the importance of success.


Oh, and by the way, about Boeing, you might read


 "a story of elite dysfunction, financial abstraction, and a DEI bureaucracy that has poisoned the culture"

The Ukraine lovers

How to identify them?

They don't care how much the policies that they advocate bring the world closer to World War III.

Their approach:

Let us punish Russia enough and Russia will give in, abandon its totally legitimate security needs, and accept a missile-equipped threatening state in Ukraine.

The alternative that they ignore:

If Russia is punished enough, 
it will respond not by giving in, but by responding with World War III.

And if so, who started it?

IMO, Ukraine and the U.S., 
by refusing to accept Russia's totally legitimate security concerns.