Neoconservatives and Zionists
Organizations: Human Rights
Organizations : Neoconservative and Zionist
(The classification is, of course, not exact.)
- Fouad Ajami
- Wikipedia, Google, profile by Jacob Heilbrunn “If Ajami were a doctor or a lawyer, he would be accused of professional malpractice and disbarred.”
- Uri Avnery
- Wikipedia, Google, his web site, his organization (Gush Shalom)
- James A. Baker, III
- Wikipedia, Google
- George W. Ball (1909–1994)
- Wikipedia, Google, 2010-03-01 American Conservative article: Best & Brightest: From Vietnam to Palestine, George Ball got it right From the back flap of The Passionate Attachment: In his long and multifaceted career as a diplomat, international lawyer, and statesman, George Ball has been at the center of many crises. He interrogated Albert Speer during the last days of the Third Reich, worked with Jean Monnet in rebuilding Europe, supervised airdrops to save hostages in the Congo, and was one of President Kennedy’s advisers throughout the tense days of the Cuban missile crisis. As undersecretary of state [what is now called the deputy secretary] in the Johnson and Kennedy administrations, he fought a lonely and protracted fight against our Vietnam involvement. [He then became ambassador to the United Nations, followed by a career as columnist and investment banker.]
- James Bamford
- Wikipedia, Google
- Thomas P.M. Barnett
- Wikipedia, Google, his web site
- Temp addition until I can again add HTML:.
- William Barr
- Jay Belsky
- Google Salon 2001-04-16 article: “Jay Belsky doesn't play well with others”
- Ben Bernanke
- Wikipedia, Google, “The Radicalization of Ben Bernanke”, 2009-04-02 WaPo article
- David Brooks
- Wikipedia, Google, Stephen Walt: David Brooks fails the "Big Test", 2009-02-24
- Zbigniew Brzezinski
- Wikipedia, Google
- Vincent Cannistraro
- Wikipedia, Google
- James Earl (Jimmy) Carter
- Wikipedia, Google my coverage of Palestine Peace Not Apartheid
- Richard B. Cheney
- Wikipedia, Google One thing I can’t stand is how editorial cartoonists always portray Cheney in such a flattering fashion, always making him look so warm, soft-hearted, and empathetic: e.g.
- Pat Choate
- Wikipedia
- Noam Chomsky
- Wikipedia, Google
- Amy Chua
- Wikipedia, Google
- Richard Clarke
- Wikipedia, Google
- Jeffrey Epstein
- Wikipedia, “Did Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Work for Mossad?”, by Philip Giraldi, American Herald Tribune, 2019-07-11
[T]he affaire Epstein also has all the hallmarks of a major espionage case, possibly tied to Israel. Unless Epstein is an extremely sick pedophile who enjoys watching films of other men screwing twelve-year-old girls the whole filming procedure smacks of a sophisticated intelligence service compiling material to blackmail prominent politicians and other public figures. Those blackmailed would undoubtedly in most cases cooperate with the foreign government involved to avoid a major scandal. It is called recruiting “agents of influence.” That is how intelligence agencies work and it is what they do.
That Epstein was perceived as being intelligence-linked was made clear in Acosta's comments when being cleared by the Trump transition team. He was asked “Is the Epstein case going to cause a problem [for confirmation hearings]?” … “Acosta had explained, breezily, apparently, that back in the day he’d had just one meeting on the Epstein case. He’d cut the non-prosecution deal with one of Epstein’s attorneys because he had ‘been told’ to back off, that Epstein was above his pay grade. ‘I was told Epstein belonged to intelligence and to leave it alone.’”
Questions about Epstein’s wealth also suggest a connection with a secretive government agency with deep pockets. The New York Times reports that “Exactly what his money management operation did was cloaked in secrecy, as were most of the names of whomever he did it for. He claimed to work for a number of billionaires, but the only known major client was Leslie Wexner, the billionaire founder of several retail chains, including The Limited.”
“HARPER: WHERE DID JEFF EPSTEIN GET HIS MONEY... REALLY?”, a post at Sic Semper Tyrannis, 2019-07-11 (followed by a number of comments, including one from Phil Giraldi, linking to his column cited above)
- Richard Falk
- Wikipedia, Google Richard Falk is Albert G. Milbank Professor Emeritus of International Law at Princeton University and was (2001-04) Visiting Distinguished Professor in Global and International Studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
- Dexter Filkins
- Wikipedia, Google [The following biographical information is from the flap of his The Forever War.] Dexter Filkins, a foreign correspondent for The New York Times, has covered the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq since 2001. Before that, he worked for the Los Angeles Times, where he was chief of the paper’s New Delhi bureau.... Most recently, he was a fellow at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard University. He lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
- Eamonn Fingleton
- Wikipedia, his web site, 2000-2010 his post-2010 website his blog, since 2012-05
- Theodore J. Forstmann
- Wikipedia, Google, “The Credit Crisis Is Going To Get Worse”, 2008-07-05 WSJ (alt loc.)
- Charles W. Freeman, Jr.
- Wikipedia, Google, my coverage on him
- Eric Garris
- Wikipedia, Google, “The Mind Behind” [Garris is the founder and managing director of]
- Timothy F. Geithner
- Wikipedia, Google, “Where Was Geithner in Turmoil?” by Andrew Ross Sorkin
- J. J. Goldberg
- Google (FYI: J.J. Goldberg is not Jonah Goldberg.) Goldberg wrote Jewish Power: Inside the American Jewish Establishment.
- Holly Graf (USN Captain)
- Wikipedia, Google, Time article featuring Chaplain (Rabbi) Kaprow
- William Greider
- Wikipedia, Google
- Chuck Hagel
- Wikipedia, Google his 2009-09-03 WP column: “The Limits Of Force: Iraq and Afghanistan Aren't Ours to Win or Lose”
- Richard J. Herrnstein
- Wikipedia, Google, and Bell Curve
- Seymour Hersh
- Wikipedia, Google
- Shere Hite
- Wikipedia, Google From the Wikipedia article [2009-06-30]: Methodology: Hite uses an individualistic research method. Thousands of responses from anonymous questionnaires were used as a framework to develop a discourse on human responses to gender and sexuality. Her conclusions derived from these questionnaire data have met with methodological criticism.[3] The fact that her data are not probability samples raises concerns about whether the sample data can be generalised to relevant populations. As is common with surveys concerning sensitive subjects, such as sexual behaviour, the proportion of nonresponse is typically large. Thus the conclusions derived from the data may not represent the views of the population under study because of bias due to nonresponse. [4] Hite supporters defend her methodology by saying that it is more likely to get to the truth of women's sexuality than studying women engaged in prostitution as if they were exemplary of women in general, or to study in laboratory conditions women who claim to orgasm during coitus.
- Ernest “Fritz” Hollings
- Wikipedia, Google, his famous Senate floor speech on Israel, Iraq and AmJews
- Samuel P. Huntington (1927–2008)
- Wikipedia, Google Obituaries: NYT, WP, Zakaria reminisce.
- Chalmers Johnson
- Wikipedia, Google
- Simon Johnson
- Wikipedia, Google, The Baseline Scenario, a blog he shares with Peter Boone and James Kwak
- General (ret.) James L. Jones
- Wikipedia, Google, an excerpt from the 2009-05-17 NYT article “World Watches for U.S. Shift on Mideast” by Helene Cooper:
Mr. Obama’s appointment of Gen. James L. Jones as his national security adviser — a man who has worked with Palestinians and Israelis to try to open up movement for Palestinians on the ground and who has sometimes irritated Israeli military officials — could foreshadow friction between the Obama administration and the Israeli government, several Middle East experts said.
See the inevitable response from Jew-controlled Washington: “Gen. Jones and the Anonymous Long Knives” By Sally Quinn Washington Post Op-Ed, 2009-05-18 The knives are out. The tom-toms are beating. And by Washington standards it’s soon. Usually the trashing of the national security adviser takes longer. In recent days articles have appeared in The Post and the New York Times questioning the abilities of retired four-star Gen. Jim Jones, the former commandant of the Marine Corps and former NATO commander. - Tony Judt
- Wikipedia, Google, the Polish consulate affair, more
- David Kay
- Wikipedia, Google, bio
- General Jack Keane (Ret.)
- Wikipedia, Google According to his 2006 American Enterprise Institute speaker’s biography for “Choosing Victory: A Plan for Success in Iraq”: “General Jack Keane is senior managing director and co-founder of Keane Advisors, LLC, a private equity and consulting firm. He serves as a national security analyst for ABC News and speaks throughout the nation on national security and leadership. Still active in national security, General Keane conducted a personal assessment of the security situation in Iraq for senior defense officials in 2004 and 2005, and will conduct another assessment in 2006. He has been elected to the board of directors of MetLife, General Dynamics, and Allied Barton Security. He is a senior advisor to Kohlberg, Kravis and Roberts, one of the nation’s largest private equity firms. He is also an advisor to the chairman & CEO of URS Corporation. He is a member of the Secretary of Defense’s Policy Board, a commissioner for one year on the Congressional Commission on the National Guard and Reserves, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, director of the George C. Marshall Foundation, director of the Knollwood Foundation, a member of the Executive Committee of the Pentagon Memorial Fund, chairman of the Terry Maude Foundation, and chairman of Senior Executive Committee of the Army Aviation Association of America. ...” A very similar, but more recent, biography appears at the web site of his company Keane Advisors here. Note it includes a photo of him in business attire, much more refined than the photo in Army combat attire that accompanied the Washington Post Bob Woodward article on him. (Click "Next" under Photos to see it.) As to his company Keane Advisors LLC, its web site, as of 2008-09-15, contained the following self-description:
Business Focus Private Equity : M&A : Advisory Services : Real Estate
In other words, it is in financial services and real estate. This seems a far cry from the large-scale organizations that Army generals are used to managing. More articles on General Keane by Gareth Porter: 2009-02-03 “Generals Seek to Reverse Obama Withdrawal Decision” 2009-02-02 original IPS news article. - David Kilcullen
- Wikipedia, Google 2009-04-15: “The Accidental Guerrilla and the Deliberate Interventionist” by Michael Scheuer
- Baruch Kimmerling
- Wikipedia, Google, web site
- Rudyard Kipling (1865–1936)
- Wikipedia, Google He was a conservative in the sense that he believed civilization to be something laboriously achieved which was only precariously defended. He wanted to see the defences fully manned and he hated the liberals because he thought them gullible and feeble, believing in the easy perfectibility of man and ready to abandon the work of centuries for sentimental qualms.
- Faith Kroll
- Google Faith Kroll is a saint-like woman who tried to tell the truth about what gave her sexual pleasure, by demonstrating it.
- James Kurth
- Wikipedia, Google
- Karen Kwiatkowski
- Wikipedia, Google
- Anthony Lake
- Wikipedia, Google, conversion to Judaism
- W. Patrick Lang
- Wikipedia, Google, his blog “Sic Semper Tyrannis”
- Mavis Leno
- Wikipedia, Google, bio at NOPAC Talent Agency, which as of 2009-02-15 contained the following (emphasis is added): “Her involvement in the Feminist Majority’s Campaign was instrumental in defeating the energy company UNOCAL’s efforts to construct an oil pipeline across Afghanistan. It is estimated that the pipeline would have supplied the Taliban with over $100 million and dramatically increased their control in the region. Mavis Leno is a leader in the effort to make the restoration of women’s rights a nonnegotiable element of a post-Taliban Afghanistan ...”
- Rabbi Michael Lerner
- Wikipedia, Google
- Michael Lewis
- Wikipedia, Google
- Anatol Lieven
- Wikipedia, Google
- William S. Lind
- Wikipedia, Google 2009-12-15: Parting Thoughts, for Now (announcing the end of his column)
- Bernard L. Madoff
- Wikipedia, Google, a long (5200 word) 2008-12-20 NYT article about his clients/associates/victims
- Harry Markopolos
- Wikipedia, Google
- John S. McCain
- Wikipedia, Google, Fred Zeidman as his “National Vice Chair for Jewish Outreach”: ARLINGTON, VA - U.S. Senator John McCain’s presidential exploratory committee today announced that Fred Zeidman has joined the Arizona Senator’s team and will serve as National Vice Chair for Jewish Outreach. Fred Zeidman previously helped lead Jewish outreach for Bush-Cheney ‘00 and ‘04 and served as vice chairman of the Dole-Kemp presidential campaign in Harris County. “Senator John McCain has been a consistent and strong supporter of both Jewish Americans and Israel,” said Zeidman. “We are a nation at war and Senator McCain’s leadership and commitment to victory are required to protect America from terrorism.” Senator McCain called Fred Zeidman a highly regarded leader that will expand the reach of his exploratory committee. “Fred Zeidman’s advocacy on behalf of the Jewish community has made a real impact,” stated Senator McCain. “He is someone that represents the best our country has to offer and I look forward to working with him to communicate my conservative principles to Jewish Americans and Texas voters.”
- Ray McGovern
- Wikipedia, Google, bio, my post on him,,, his meeting with Rumsfeld
- John Mearsheimer
- Wikipedia, Google
- Benny Morris
- Wikipedia, Google, dialog with Christisons, more
- Admiral Michael Mullen
- Wikipedia, Google 2008-12-08: Speech to the JINSA (Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs) on the 2008 Mumbai attacks (speech contents) (Where Mullen accepted JINSA's Henry M. Jackson Distinguished Service Award.)
From left to right: Recipient of JINSA's 2008 Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson Distinguished Service Award Adm. Michael J. Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; JINSA Board of Advisors Member Adm. Leon Edney, USN (ret.), and; JINSA Chairman Mr. Mark Broxmeyer.
From Maureen Dowd’s 2010-02-03 NYT column: I’ve had high hopes for Adm. Mike Mullen ever since I learned that his mom was an assistant to Jimmy Durante and his dad was a Hollywood press agent whose clients included Bob Hope, Ann-Margret, Phyllis Diller, Jimmy Stewart, Carol Burnett and Dyan Cannon. - Charles A. Murray
- Wikipedia, Google, and Bell Curve
- Barack Obama
- Wikipedia, Google, Philip Weiss on Obama’s father
- William E. Odom, LTG, USA (ret.) (1932 — 2008)
- Wikipedia, Google, NYT obituary, WP obituary
- Michael E. O'Hanlon
- Wikipedia, Google, Google (with E.)
- Sarah Palin
- Wikipedia, Google, 2008 photo from this article investigates a crucial topic :-)
- Nancy Pelosi
- Wikipedia, Google, Pelosi and AIPAC, Pelosi and Amy Friedkin From “Nancy Pelosi’s links to Israel are strong and personal” (emphasis is added):
Before a packed meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) three years ago, U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) connected her political support for the Jewish state with her personal life. “My daughter is Catholic. My son-in-law is Jewish,” she said. “Last week I celebrated my birthday and my grandchildren -- ages 4 and 6 -- called to sing ‘Happy Birthday.’ And the surprise, the real gift, was that they sang it in Hebrew.” ... The daughter of Thomas D’Alesandro Jr., a former mayor of Baltimore, Pelosi grew up in a Democratic family with Jewish neighbors and friends. “She likes to say that, growing up in Baltimore, she went to a bar or bat mitzvah every Saturday,” Amy Friedkin, a former president of AIPAC and a friend of Pelosi’s for 25 years, wrote in an e-mail message to JTA. Friedkin noted that there’s even a soccer field in the Haifa area of Israel named after the lawmaker’s family. ... With Pelosi as speaker, Jewish activists and officials are confident that the U.S. Congress will remain strongly pro-Israel. “I’ve heard her say numerous times that the single-greatest achievement of the 20th century” was the founding of the modern state of Israel, Friedkin wrote. “She has been a great friend of the U.S.-Israel relationship during her entire time in Congress and is deeply committed to strengthening that relationship.” ... At an AIPAC members luncheon in San Francisco right after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, Pelosi was speaking when an alarm sounded. “Everybody started getting nervous, scrambling toward the door,” Lauter recalled. One person, though, was reading the words of “Hatikvah,” the Israeli national anthem, above the din. It was Pelosi. “It actually calmed the crowd,” Lauter said. “You could see people actually smiling, saying, ‘Wow.’ “ This “wasn’t something done purposefully to show everyone that Nancy Pelosi supports the Jewish community,” he said. It “actually came from inside her.”
- General David Petraeus
- Wikipedia, Google Philip Weiss: “Petraeus emails show general scheming with journalist to get out pro-Israel storyline” Philip Giraldi: “Who Owns General Petraeus?”
- Paul R. Pillar
- Wikipedia, Google
- Clyde V. Prestowitz Jr.
- Wikipedia, Google
- William Quandt
- Scott Ritter
- Wikipedia, Google
- J. Philippe Rushton
- Wikipedia, Google, his organization, at
- Claes G. Ryn
- Wikipedia, Google, review by Paul Gottfried of America the Virtuous, Paul Craig Roberts article: “The Neo-Jacobins”
- Randy Scheunemann
- Wikipedia, Google, “And None Dare Call It Treason” by Patrick J. Buchanan
- Phyllis Schlafly
- Wikipedia, Google, her web site
- Brent Scowcroft
- Wikipedia, Google For the “Scowcroft Award for Somnolent Excellence” see pages 33–5 of A World Transformed.
- Cindy Sheehan
- Wikipedia, Google, her 2007-05-28 resignation message [An excerpt:] I was the darling of the so-called left as long as I limited my protests to George Bush and the Republican Party.... However, when I started to hold the Democratic Party to the same standards that I held the Republican Party, support for my cause started to erode and the “left” started labeling me with the same slurs that the right used. I guess no one paid attention to me when I said that the issue of peace and people dying for no reason is not a matter of “right or left”, but “right and wrong.” I am deemed a radical because I believe that partisan politics should be left to the wayside when hundreds of thousands of people are dying for a war based on lies that is supported by Democrats and Republican alike.
- General Eric Shinseki, USA (ret.)
- Wikipedia, Google, 2007-01-12 NYT sketch
- Avi Shlaim
- Wikipedia, Google
- Aafia Siddiqui
- Wikipedia, Google, Paul Craig Roberts calls the charge against her “trumped-up”, Petra Bartosiewicz interviewed by Scott Horton on the Siddiqui trial.
- Christina Hoff Sommers
- Wikipedia, Google @AEI
- Eliot Spitzer
- Wikipedia, Google, his columns at
- Rozita Swinton
- Google “Who is Rozita Swinton”
- George Tenet
- Wikipedia, Google 2006-06-20 PBS Frontline: interviews with acquaintances
- Alan Tonelson
- Wikipedia, Google
- Arnold J. Toynbee (1889–1975)
- Wikipedia, Google, my discussion of him magnum opus, A Study of History: @Wikipedia; my data on it The Toynbee convector his Time magazine cover [From the back flap of Volume 12, Reconsiderations, of A Study of History:] From 1925 until the end of September 1955, when he officially retired, Arnold Toynbee was Director of Studies at the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London and Research Professor of International History in the University of London. His chief work for the Institute was to produce, in collaboration with his wife, Veronica M. (Boulter) Toynbee, the Institute’s Survey of International Affairs. From 1939–46, however, he devoted all of his time to Government Service as Director of a war-time branch of the Institute which ultimately became the Research Department of the Foreign Office.
- Srdja Trifkovic
- Wikipedia, Google, at Chronicles
- Turcopolier
- "" is the URL for the blog of Col. (ret.) W. Patrick Lang. I had long wondered what Turcopolier stood for; finally Lang explained it:
A Turcopole was a native ME soldier in the service of one of the Catholic Militsry-Religious Orders. i.e., Hospitallers, Templars, Teutonics, Order of St. Lazarus, Holy Sepulchre, etc. The Turcopolier was the European member of the order who was the commander of the Turcopoles within the order. With the exception of the HS these orders were monastic in nature and followed either a Cistercian Rule or the Augustinian Rule. Their field forces in Holy Land consisted of European heavy cavalry (knights and sergeants) and native troops (light cavalry and archers) who were Turcopoles, some of whom were Christian and some Muslim. anything else? pl 10 January 2018 at 08:53 AM
Actually, Wikipedia explains it as well. - Stephen Van Evera
- Wikipedia, Google
- Michael Vickers
- Google, SourceWatch, WP profile
- Stephen Walt
- Wikipedia, Google, his blog at Foreign Policy
- Philip Weiss
- Wikipedia, Google, his blog Mondoweiss
- Serena Williams
- transcript of her foot fault complaint at the U.S. Open, with a relatively clear video of her saying it From One Standard: Over the Line Is Over the Line by William C. Rhoden of the New York Times, 2009-09-16 (emphasis is added): “She lost her semifinals match to Clijsters on Saturday night when she was assessed a code violation for verbally abusing a line judge on match point with a ferocity not seen in women’s tennis. “What made many uncomfortable, beyond the tirade, is that Williams stepped so far outside of the box of acceptable behavior for female athletes. With one stunning outburst, Williams barreled into the hallowed Men Only Hall of Intemperance reserved for John McEnroe and Jimmy Connors and Ilie Nastase, great players who became legendary for their rampages against line judges, umpires and each other.”
- Bob Woodward
- Wikipedia, Google
- Fareed Zakaria
- Wikipedia, Google, Michael Scheuer’s 2009-03-24 article on
- General Anthony Zinni, USMC (ret.)
- Wikipedia, Google, 2004-05-12 CDI speech on Iraq (with the ten points), 2009-02-10: Philip Giraldi on Israel Lobby black-balling Zinni as Iraq amb.
- Peter Brimelow
- Wikipedia, Google, books and articles, VDare
- Patrick Buchanan
- Wikipedia, Google, columns, selected columns, his web site, “Pat Buchanan is Censored by Human Events” by Kevin MacDonald, 2010-03-16
- 2023 by Scott McConnell, on Pat's retirement from writing his syndicated column:
- Houston Stewart Chamberlain (1855–1927)
- Wikipedia, Google, “his” web site
- John Derbyshire
- Wikipedia, Google, his home page, his web journalism (note esp. those “Not posted”)
- Saumuel Francis (1947–2005)
- Wikipedia, Google
- Philip Giraldi
- Wikipedia, Google Philip Giraldi’s excellent “Deep Background” column appears every two weeks in the American Conservative. It normally contains two or three short news items, almost always both original and significant (e.g. 2005-08-01, 2007-02-26), dealing with the intelligence world and, typically, some aspect of what Commentary has dubbed “World War IV.”
- Paul Gottfried
- Wikipedia, Google, his blog at Taki Magazine, Describing himself, Gottfried has written: “I had two Jewish parents. My father barely escaped the Nazis by getting out of Central Europe in the 1930s.”
- Madison Grant (1865–1937)
- Wikipedia, Google
- Leon Hadar
- Wikipedia, Google
- Jim Lobe
- Wikipedia, Google, his columns Persona non grata at AEI!
- Eric Margolis
- Wikipedia, Google, his home page
- Justin Raimondo
- Wikipedia, Google, his columns, his bio, selected columns
- Paul Craig Roberts
- Wikipedia, Google 2010-03-24: “Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty With It”: “The militarism of the U.S. and Israeli states, and Wall Street and corporate greed, will now run their course. As the pen is censored and its might extinguished, I am signing off.” [He relented. He continues to publish.]
- Steve Sailer
- Wikipedia, Google, his web site, his blog, an opposing view, Sailer on immigration
- Joe Sobran
- Wikipedia, Google, his web site
- David Stockman
- Wikipedia, Google, his web site "David Stockman's Contra Corner" (pay), my web page on Stockman
- Lothrop Stoddard (1883–1950)
- Wikipedia, Google
- Taki
- Wikipedia, Google, his web site, his webzine (both of these seem to be named “Taki’s Top Drawer”)
- Jared Taylor
- Wikipedia, Google, American Renaissance
- Osama bin Laden
- Wikipedia, Google, books (by and about), my post on him, PBS Frontline show “Hunting bin Laden”
- Kathleen and Bill Christison
- Google, at
- Juan Cole
- Wikipedia, Google, his web site
- John Dugard
- Wikipedia, Google
- Paul Findley
- Wikipedia, Google, his CNI: 1, 2. Findley wrote They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby
- Norman Finkelstein
- Wikipedia, Google, his web site, my coverage on him
- Bobby Fischer
- Wikipedia, Google, Fischer uncensored
- Robert Fisk
- Wikipedia, Google, web site, magnum opus
- Ran HaCohen
- Wikipedia, Google
- Alfred Lilienthal
- Wikipedia, Google, home page, “Israel’s Flag is Not Mine” (September 1949 Reader's Digest)
- Kevin MacDonald
- Wikipedia, Google, his web site, writings, replies to critics, blog posts at The Occidental Observer,, my post dedicated to him, interview with Kevin MacDonald, conducted by Alex Kurtagić A paradigmatic example of how MacDonald’s critics attack him and his responses to those attacks is his 2006-05 “Reply to Jacob Laksin”.
- Ralph Nader
- Wikipedia, Google, Nader vs. WP and ADL
- M.J. Rosenberg
- Google, his blog at Talking Points
- Michael Scheuer
- Wikipedia, Google, (his web site), at,, NYT, WP, WT, interview with Washington Post Express
- Israel Shahak (1933–2001)
- Wikipedia, Google, at Middle East Policy Council, an archive of many of Shahak’s works (along with some fiction)
- Henry Siegman
- Wikipedia, Google
- Alison Weir
- Google, her web site, Wikipedia on her organization, If Americans Knew
Neoconservatives and Zionists
- Sheldon G. Adelson
- Wikipedia, Google, Adelson and Bush Adelson has promised a mind-boggling $200 million per year to Jewish and Israeli causes! As well, Adelson was on the council of the Holocaust Museum from 2002 to 2007, when he was replaced by his wife.
- Elliott Abrams
- Wikipedia, Google, my selection of material on him
- Steven Aftergood
- Google, James Bamford on Aftergood (his Zionist bias)
- Eleana Benador
- Wikipedia, Google, Source Watch, Right Web, Benador Associates web page
- Tony Blair
- Wikipedia, Google, links with Israel Note the following (from Wikipedia) about his close associate, Michael Levy (Baron Levy), also known in the British press as “Lord Cashpoint”: He is a supporter of Labour Friends of Israel and has been described by The Jerusalem Post as "undoubtedly the notional leader of British Jewry". He is also a member of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, the leadership of UK Jewish community. Levy has close ties with the Israeli Labour Party and maintains a home in Tel Aviv. His son, Daniel Levy, is active in Israeli political life, and has served as an assistant to the former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and to Knesset member Yossi Beilin. Levy has praised Blair for his "solid and committed support of the State of Israel" and has been described as "a leading international Zionist". Known as "Lord Cashpoint" to some in the media and politics, he is the leading fundraiser for the Labour Party.
- Matthew Brooks
- Eliot A. Cohen
- Wikipedia, Google, coverage on him
- Ann Coulter
- Wikipedia, Google, on The Widows
- Alan Dershowitz
- Wikipedia, Google, his web site, my section on him
- Thomas Dine
- Google, Right Web profile Executive Director of AIPAC, 1980–1993; member, Committee for the Liberation of Iraq
- Rahm Emanuel
- Wikipedia, Google; extended dossier on him collected by KHarbaugh
- David Feith
- (David Feith is the second son of Douglas Feith) Google, Jim Lobe’s article on him
- Douglas Feith
- Wikipedia, Google, New Yorker profile, my sketch
- Stephen Herbits
- Google, as secretary-general of the powerful World Jewish Congress
- Malcolm Hoenlein
- Wikipedia, Google
- Martin Indyk
- Wikipedia, Google Note how Indyk’s past as research director for AIPAC has been omitted (some of us would say sanitized) from his biography at Brookings (at least from the one dated 10/2001, still current as of 12/2007). Isn’t it sheer intellectual dishonesty to leave that out of his bio? Isn’t his past key role at Israel’s preeminent lobbying group in the U.S. a critical part of his background, when he is used so often by the media as an “impartial” expert voice on Mideast affairs?
- Kagan
- general information on the name Kagan, Greenwald on the neocon Kagan clan
- Kimberly Kagan
- Wikipedia, Google, “The Two Faces of Kimberly Kagan” by Kelley B. Vlahos, 2009-09-29
- Robert Kagan
- Wikipedia, Google, Right Web An excerpt from the “Acknowledgments” section of Robert Kagan's book Dangerous Nation:
“Throughout these years, I have also been lucky to enjoy the comradeship and wise counsel of dear friends Fred Hiatt, Bill Kristol, Leon Wieseltier, Reuel Gerecht, Ed Lazarus, and Joe Rose ...”
- Lawrence F. Kaplan
- Google, The War on Iraq
- Jeane Kirkpatrick
- Wikipedia, Google A quote, from a post-09-11 symposium at AEI (emphasis added):
[O]nce while I was [at] the United Nations, the wife of a very distinguished Arab Ambassador ... said to me, “I don’t see why you’re always supporting Israel. You’re not a Jew.” She said, “You know, why don’t you support the Arab countries?” I said, “You know, I’m a woman.”
- Charles Krauthammer
- Wikipedia, Google, WP columns
- Bruce Kovner
- Wikipedia, Google George Soros’s Right-Wing Twin Multibillionaire commodities king Bruce Kovner is the patron saint of the neoconservatives, ... and the most powerful New Yorker you’ve never heard of. By Philip Weiss
- William Kristol
- Wikipedia, Google, “Kristol’s War”, his Weekly Standard, his PNAC, Jim Lobe on his NYT columnizing
- Michael Ledeen
- Wikipedia, Google, Benador, Right Web, National Review, Laughland, fascism
- Bernard Lewis
- Wikipedia, Google [An excerpt from the 2007-03-14 Financial Times article “Neo-cons have been consigned to history” by Jacob Weisberg (emphasis is added).] The vice-president [Richard Cheney] looked on from the head table as his friend, Bernard Lewis,
perhaps the most significant intellectual influence behind the invasion of Iraq,
came up to accept an award. In his address, the 90-year-old Mr Lewis did not revisit his argument that regime change in Iraq could provide the jolt needed to modernise the Middle East. ... - I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby Jr.
- Wikipedia, Google, Raimondo on
- (Senator) Joseph Lieberman
- Wikipedia, Google, “Joe Lieberman’s War,” an article by Philip Giraldi emphasizing his role as a warmonger
- Tzipi Livni
- Wikipedia, Google, article by Uri Avnery on
- The Magnes Zionist
- Google, his eponymous blog, “The Magnes Zionist” As of 2008-02-01, his Blogspot profile said this about him: Jeremiah (Jerry) Haber is the nom de plume of an orthodox Jewish studies professor who divides his time between Israel and the US. Why do I write under a pseudonym? Not because I am afraid of being hounded like Norman Finkelstein -- thank God I have tenure. But because I want to keep my academic persona and my polemical persona distinct. Writing under a pseudonym allows me to be more “unbuttoned.” Maybe that’s a copout; maybe not. But if your really insist on knowing who I am contact me off-blog at
- Judith Miller
- Wikipedia, Google, her web site, my sketch
- Laurie Mylroie
- Wikipedia, Google
- Richard Perle
- Wikipedia, Google, Right Web, Stephen Walt: Richard Perle is a liar
- John Podhoretz
- Wikipedia, Google
- Norman Podhoretz
- Wikipedia, Google, at Commentary
- Kenneth Pollack
- Wikipedia, Google, CJR article: The War Expert Wrong, wrong, wrong again. But the media still want Ken Pollack
- Shulamit Reinharz
- Google A fact rarely mentioned about this widely published columnist is that she is the wife of Brandeis University President Jehuda Reinharz.
- Condoleezza Rice
- Wikipedia, Google, my sketch
- Steve Rosen
- Wikipedia, Google, extended dossier on him collected by KHarbaugh
- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
- Wikipedia, Google, from her House biography: As Chair of the Subcommittee on Middle East and Central Asia, she has become a leading figure shaping foreign policy. Since September 11th, 2001, Ileana and her colleagues in Congress have funded our war to combat terrorism, provided humanitarian assistance for the women and children of Afghanistan, and increased support for Israel. Ileana continues to be a fighter for our U.S. ally, Israel, participating in the Jewish Federation's fund-raising phone-a-thons in Miami, as well as numerous visits to Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, and the Golan Heights during the bombings to demonstrate our steadfast solidarity with this beleaguered nation.
- Dennis Ross
- Wikipedia, Google, extended dossier on him collected by KHarbaugh
- Haim Saban
- Wikipedia, Google NYT bio: “Schlepping to Moguldom” by Andrew Ross Sorkin From the article (emphasis added):
Haim Saban, who turned cartoons into a multibillion-dollar fortune, has an office overlooking Los Angeles, but his world view centers on Israel. ... “I’m a one-issue guy and my issue is Israel,” he said in his first extensive interview in years.
- Adam Schiff
- Wikipedia, A friendly question: Where is the evidence (i.e., showing the direct lineage) that Adam Schiff is a descendent of Jacob Schiff? I attempted to research this issue using Google, and found that Adam claims "most of my family came from Lithuania": By far the most detailed analysis of Adam's family tree, going back paternally four generations(!), is at See also for Adam's great-grandfather, b. 1878 in Kaunas County, Lithuania I discern no connection to Jacob, the NYC financier.
- Gabriel Schoenfeld
- Wikipedia, Google, my remarks on him
- Charles Schumer
- Wikipedia, Google, 2009-03-11 Philip Weiss: 'I agree, Schumer is a pain'
- George P. Shultz
- Wikipedia, Google, my summary on him
- Yuri Slezkine
- Wikipedia, Google
- Stephen Steinlight
- Google, “The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography” (coverage), “Is Multiculturalism Good For The Jews?” (excerpts from “The Jewish Stake”)
[W]ill Jewish sensitivities continue to enjoy extraordinarily high levels of deference and will Jewish interests continue to receive special protection?
- Elie Wiesel
- Wikipedia, Google The following Wiesel quotation is from page 289 of Samuel Huntington’s Who Are We?, which in turn cites page 147 of Tony Smith’s Foreign Attachments: The Power of Ethnic Groups in the Making of American Foreign Policy.
“I support Israel—period. I identify with Israel—period. I never attack, never criticize Israel when I am not in Israel.... The role of a Jew is to be with our people.”
- Paul Wolfowitz
- Wikipedia, Google, quotations of, my sketch
- R. James Woolsey
- Wikipedia, Google, WWIV, WWIV
- David Wurmser
- Wikipedia, Google
- Meyrav Wurmser
- Wikipedia, Google
- Fred S. Zeidman
- Google, Zeidman support for John McCain
- Mortimer Zuckerman
- Wikipedia, Google, as Jewish leader
- Alec Station
- Wikipedia, Google, History Commons
- al-Qaeda
- Wikipedia, Google
- Brookings Institution
- Wikipedia, Google
- Center for Immigration Studies
- Wikipedia, Google, its web site, Right Web
- Coalition for a Realistic Foreign Policy
- Wikipedia, Google, SourceWatch, their web site
- Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
- Google, their web site
- Committee for the Republic
- Google, SourceWatch
- Congress of the United States
- Wikipedia, Google, Which Party Controls Congress?
- Council for the National Interest
- Wikipedia, Google, their web sites: cnionline, rescuemideastpolicy
- Council on Foreign Relations
- Wikipedia, Google
- Federation for American Immigration Reform
- Wikipedia, Google, its web site, Right Web
- If Americans Knew
- Wikipedia, Google, its web site, Okrent’s column
- Independent Jewish Voices
- Wikipedia, Google, its web site
- Iraq Study Group (the Baker/Hamilton Commission)
- Wikipedia, Google, their 2006-12-06 report
- Israel Policy Forum
- Wikipedia, Google
- Jamestown Foundation
- Wikipedia, Google, its web site, Right Web (Note: Michael Scheuer hung out there until he was dismissed in 2009-01.)
- Middle East Policy Council
- Wikipedia, Google, its web site
- Peace Now
- Wikipedia, Google, American web site, Israeli web site
- United for Peace and Justice
- Wikipedia, Google
- Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity
- Wikipedia, Google
- WRMEA — Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
- Wikipedia, Google, its web site
- Women’s Foreign Policy Group
- Google Chair: Maxine Isaacs (wife of James A. Johnson, CEO of Fannie Mae, 1991-98) Vice-Chair: Gail Leftwich Kitch
- Words not War
- Google, web site
Organizations: Human Rights
- Amnesty International
- Wikipedia, Google, web site
- B'Tselem
- Wikipedia, Google, web site
- Feminist Majority
- Wikipedia, Google
- Gush Shalom
- Wikipedia, Google, its web site, its founder (Uri Avnery)
- Human Rights Watch
- Wikipedia, Google, web site
- Physicians for Human Rights—Israel
- Wikipedia, Google, web site
- Public Committee against Torture in Israel
- Wikipedia, Google, web site
- Yesh Din
- Wikipedia, Google, its web site
Organizations: Neoconservative and Zionist
- ADL — Anti-Defamation League
- Wikipedia, Google, my article on them
- AEI — American Enterprise Institute
- Wikipedia, Google, Source Watch, its web site Bruce Kovner is its chairman and a lead donor.
- AFPC — American Foreign Policy Council
- Wikipedia, Google, Right Web, its web site
- Agudath Israel
- Wikipedia, Google
- AIPAC – American Israel Public Affairs Committee
- Wikipedia, Google, Source Watch, Right Web, Juan Cole, its web site
- AJC — American Jewish Committee
- Wikipedia, Google, its web site
Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America - Wikipedia, Google, its web site
- Committee for a Free Lebanon
- Google, Source Watch, Right Web
- Committee for the Liberation of Iraq
- Wikipedia, Google, Source Watch, Right Web
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations - Wikipedia, Google, its web site, Massing article
- FDD — Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
- Wikipedia, Google, its web site, Jim Lobe commentary
- FW — Freedom’s Watch
- Wikipedia, Google, its web site, SourceWatch/Congresspedia, The Donors my coverage of it
- IPC — Iran Policy Committee
- Wikipedia, Google, its web site, 2005-02-11-Lobe
- The Israel Project
- Wikipedia, Google, web site
- JPC — Jewish Policy Center
- JINSA — Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
- Wikipedia, Google, Right Web, its web site
- JPPPI — Jewish People Policy Planning Institute
- Wikipedia, Google, its web site From its web site (Overview): The Jewish People Policy Planning Institute (JPPPI) is an independent think tank incorporated in Israel as a non-profit corporation. The mission of the Institute is to promote the thriving of the Jewish people via professional strategic thinking and planning on issues of primary concern to world Jewry. JPPPI’s work is based on deep commitment to the future of the Jewish people with Israel as its core state.
- MEMRI — Middle East Media Research Institute
- Wikipedia, Google, its web site
- MEF — Middle East Forum
- Wikipedia, Google, Source Watch, Right Web, grants, its web site
- Mossad
- Wikipedia, Google, FAS IRP
- NGO Monitor
- Wikipedia, Google, web site
- One Jerusalem
- Wikipedia, Google
- PNAC — Project for the New American Century
- Wikipedia, Google, web site
- RJC — Republican Jewish Coalition
- Wikipedia, Google
- Saban Center for Middle East Policy
- Google, SourceWatch, its announcement Its founding donor is Haim Saban. Note that its director, Martin Indyk, is a former “research director” of AIPAC.
- WINEP — Washington Institute for Near East Policy
- Google, Wikipedia, SourceWatch, RightWeb, its web site “Washington Institute for Near East Policy: An AIPAC ‘Image Problem’ ” by Mark H. Milstein [cited in endnotes to Chapter 6 of ILUSFP]
- ZOA — Zionist Organization of America
- Wikipedia, Google
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