

The real issue at Mizzou and Yale isn’t free speech.
It’s social equality.

By Danielle Allen
Washington Post Op-Ed, 2015-11-13

Danielle Allen is a political theorist at Harvard University and a contributing columnist for The Post.


How do you transform communities and environments
that were developed to resonate with
the aesthetic tastes and ways of life of one demographic group
when they are meant to be homes equally welcoming to all?
How do you adjust social habits that have flowed out of long traditions of hierarchy
to perform nobly at the table of brotherhood?

The seriousness of these questions is real,
and it is reasonable and necessary for the institutions of civil society to address them.

[Just for a moment, let's step back to the 1950s.
Back then, people spoke about "the American way of life".
Note, "American".
Now we find that it wasn't really "the American way of life",
but merely that of one demographic group.

Should we welcome rap music as much as music of the Western classical tradition?
To paraphrase the old rhyme about the weather,
"Lovers of rap music will take delight,
lovers of Baroque music will take fright."

I view this as cultural deterioration, not progress.

As to the value of African ways,
if African ways are so great,
why is the migration flow of blacks from Africa to America,
rather than vice versa?

I think the answer is clear:
Blacks want the economic success that America has achieved,
while keeping at least a segment of their historic culture and ways of life.
Is such a combination possible?
Blacks have tried to achieve economic success in the various nations whose politics and culture they dominate
(examples abound).
Where are the economic success stories?]