
Women versus homosexuals

Do women want to let their daughters see full frontal male nudity?
That is the question made explicit here:


I don't think this issue should be hidden.

Mary Kadera needs to state exactly what she was told, and what she did about it.

Is this what the homosexual community (the media writes incessantly about the "GLBTQ" community) wants and endorses?


A suggestion to Arlington County, Virginia authorities

Spend less money on your artsy boondoggles (Artisphere, Synectics, AIM, etc.) and your pursuit of "equity",
and more on maintaining the basic infrastructure, like water mains.
There have been all too many roads closed due to water main breaks.
The latest (out of many)

But I guess doing such basic governmental functions doesn't get as many votes in this day and age, and community.


The horror that is the Washington Post

What are the horrible things that WaPo has promoted?

Here are three:

1. Wars. 
WaPo has relentlessly promoted unnecessary wars.
In Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, and Libya.
They are the war pigs.

2. Grotesquely excessive "health care".
America is now spending roughly 20% of its GDP on "health care".
Why are we spending so obscenely much on "health care"?
Because "health care advocates" keep whining about the issue, notably in WaPo.

3. Then there is "transgenderism".
Jesus Christ, the conspiracy between the doctors and the perverts 
want to spend more, more, on their perversion, 
funneling yet more money into the medical community.
Enough with enriching the grafters of perversion!
You know, the perverted MDs.
E.g. the AMA's filthy pervert 

So, in total, WaPo is a cesspool of warmongering, advocacy for excessive spending, and perversion.
That is who they are.

Biden - Pelosi hostility



Trump, Patrick Buchanan, and free trade

That Donald Trump is following in Patrick Buchanan's footsteps should be acknowledged.

There is a conflict of interest between American workers and American consumers.
Workers want high wages and benefits;
consumers want low prices.
The conflict should be clear.

Consumers can get their low priced goods as long as workers in foreign countries are willing to produce those goods for low wages.
Thus, notably, the yawning trade deficit between America and China.

But that leaves American workers without income.

This issue has been addressed in two books, with strikingly similar titles.

One, by Patrick Buchanan, is reviewed at
Book Review: The Great Betrayal | Cato Institute https://search.app/y9tGVLcDHpV9c7TGA

The other, by Clyde Prestowitz, is
The Betrayal of American Prosperity: Free Market Delusions, America's Decline, and How We Must Compete in the Post-Dollar Era 


Why I oppose renewing the Trump tax cuts

For a reason that is well known, but all too often ignored.

We need to think about the future, not just the present.
At the rate we are increasing the U.S. national debt, 
an economic disaster for the U.S. is an absolute certainty.
The only question is when it will happen.

We need to take steps now to reduce the rate of growth of the national debt.
A very good way of doing that is to let the Trump tax cuts expire, 
or at least restrict them to people making under, say, $250K.

Sure, some people with incomes over $250K (or whatever the cutoff is, certainly under $500K) would be unhappy and complain.
But even with higher taxes on their high income, they should "grin and bear it".
How much net income do they really need?

And if, say, New Yorkers, validly point out that the cost of living in New York is so high that they need a high net income just to maintain a reasonable (in their eyes) standard of living,
it should be realized that what drove up the cost of living in New York 
is that so many New Yorkers have  had such a large net income.
A classic chicken-and-egg situation.


In praise of "toxic masculinity"

For an unabashedly masculine voice, listen to Johnny Cash's rendition of"Ghost Riders in the Sky".


Nothing soy boy about him.
Thank god.