"the sex they were assigned with"
Some people just can't stop using that absurd phrase.
E.g., here
Some babies have standard male genitals (a penis and testicles),
some have standard female genitals (a vagina).
The recognition of those physical characteristics is not an assignment, it is a recognition of a physical and biological reality.
There is, we are told, a consensus among medical societies on "gender-affirming care".
The following article looks at what produced that consensus.
"The main justification for “gender-affirming care” for minors in the United States has been that “all major U.S. medical associations” support it.
Critics of this supposed consensus have argued that it is not grounded in high-quality research or decades of honest and robust deliberation among clinicians with different viewpoints and experiences.
Instead, it is the result of a small number of ideologically driven doctor-association members in LGBT-focused committees, who exploit their colleagues' trust.
Physicians presenting different viewpoints are silenced or kept away from decision-making circles, ensuring the appearance of unanimity."
The article goes on to give an example of how a professional society suppressed discussion:
"In July, the Pennsylvania Psychological Association, a branch of the American Psychological Association,
forbade any mention of the Cass Review on its professional listserv. Doing so, the leadership suggested,
could cause “harm” to
colleagues with “very different points of view based on their varied life experiences.” "
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