Some examples of "defamation"
There is a well-known organization, the Anti-Defamation League
"fights all forms of antisemitism and bias".
Oh, so those are the issues they choose to confront.
Now, hello, ADL, I was a graduate student at Brandeis University from September 1967 to January 1973.
There was plenty of defamation going on there.
1. Cops were called pigs.
2.. American soldiers who had served in Vietnam were called baby killers.
3. America was called, by some, Amerika.
4. OTOH, America was sometimes written as AmeriKKKa.
5..The bourgeois class, however defined, was systematically disparaged, condemned, scorned, and belittled.
(The pattern here:
things controlled by WASPs were to be disparaged and denigrated.
That which Jews controlled, e.g. "sun-tanned sabras" should be exaulted, praised, and glorified.
Unlike those sun-tanned Christians who fought in Vietnam.)
Do these not count as defamations by your definition?
I think it is clear the ADL's definition of defamation itself shows bias.
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