The politicization of the professions
Are medicine and education both professions?
I think so.
Let me give examples of how each has been politicized.
For medicine, consider this:
"Already, [our] center has become a recognized voice nationally on issues of equity and social justice in medicine."
"equity and social justice in medicine"?
That sounds to me like the introduction of social or political issues into medicine.
As a personal example, when I visited my local hospital and later checked their online records concerning me, I found they described my sex as
"Assigned Male at birth".
I am a man.
I have two testicles and a penis, which are quite capable of producing semen, even at my age in the 70s.
That is a reality, a fact of biology and anatomy,
not of my psychology, of whom I identify with,
and certainly not a mere assignment.
But the white coats at that hospital can't, or won't, acknowledge that.
To claim that my maleness is merely an assignment is, IMO, an act of profound intellectual dishonesty.
Now let's skip to education.
The president of the National Education Association in 2024 gave a keynote speech that oozes a political point of view:
"We won't go back.
We have to transform [the educational system] into something it was never designed to be ..."
You can listen to the first few minutes of it to see if you agree.
In conclusion, it looks to me like
both the AMA (American Medical Association) and NEA (National Education Association)
have gone woke.
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