
The Biden affair - ridiculous

I am responding to this Politico article:


The man is 81.
There is nothing unusual for an 81-year-old to be somewhat slow-witted.

The point that needs to be emphasized is:
If he is like this at 81,
what is he going to be like as he gets even older?
Does anyone think the deteriation, of both body and mind, that comes with aging is going to stop, or reverse?

Time to stop making excuses for Joe.
He is just a normal 80-something.
Nothing wrong with that,
but he definitely should not be president after his current term ends.
Can't the Democrats do better?

And can't his family be content with all that he has accomplished in his past 81 years?
Why should they push this 81-year-old into four more years of the rigors of the presidency?
Can't they just let him relax and enjoy being a grandfather, and maybe even a great-grandfather?
And compliment and thank him for all that he HAS done.
Can't they be satisfied?
Must Joe do even more to satisfy them?
What a bizarre family.

And worst of all --
If the Russians should attack, 
and he has just a few minutes to decide how to respond, 
what happens if that occurs at one of those times when he is "not at his best"?
And consider that could occur not just now, 
but at any time in the next four years.


According to the Politico article linked to above, 
Jill said
‘Look, Joe, we are not going to let 90 minutes define the four years that you’ve been president’.

What a ridiculous statement.
The poor performance in the debate doesn't "define the four years that you’ve been president".
What it does do is point the direction in which Joe is headed.

Give the old man a break.
This really is elder abuse.

For a newspaper column reflecting a similar point of view, see
by Miranda Devine 

As to who influenced Jill, see

"Anthony Bernal, whose status as the first lady’s top aide 
grants him enormous clout in both White House operations and Democratic politics ..."


People claiming Biden has Parkinson's disease and/or Parkinson's dementia:




How well would he function in a situation where he was not reading a speech (almost certainly written by someone else), 
but responding to non-scripted questions, not known in advance?

There is a classical, traditional, way of answering that question.
Hold a press conference.
What do you think are the odds that Biden will hold a press conference in the future?

Question: When was the most recent traditional ~90-minute in Biden press conference?
I do not know.
I can't find it either using Google or YouTube.