
Enough of the "Saving Time" nonsense

All Americans are familiar with the concept of "Daylight Saving Time".
Just what are we saving?

It is a pain to have to adjust our timepieces twice a year for this useless nonsense.
Absolutely no need for it.
Just end the nonsense!
People should adjust their own schedules to meet the changes of Mother Nature.

For a detailed explanation, see 



Actually, there are three things at play here:
1. the position of the sun, relative to your current location,
2. the "Standard Time" for your location, 
3. the "Daylight Saving Time", for your current location.

In the winter, we get used to correlating 1. and 2., which puts the sun's zenith at approximately noon, per Standard Time.

When DST comes into play, we must correlate 1. and 3.

Switching between the two correlations is a pain, requiring mental attention.

Far more efficient to stick to one correlation.
That between 1. and 2., putting the solar zenith near noon, seems the best, simply on grounds of efficiency.

Ditch DST!