
What war hawks want: endless spending


About myself:
I voted for every Republican candidate for president from Richard Nixon in 1968 to George W. Bush in 2000.
I could not vote for Bush in 2004,  because of his pushing for a totally unnecessary war with Iraq.
In general, my views align with those of Patrick J. Buchanan.

But here we are today, in 2025.
There are many politicians pushing for supporting Ukraine.
Just let Ukraine accede to Russia's demands.
Why not?
What is so great about Ukraine?
I just don't see it.
But what I do see is that some American politicians want to put America yet deeper in debt to support Ukraine.
A very bad idea.

What a shame it is that they are so loyal to Ukraine, as opposed to America.
Talk about traitors!

From Republican Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn in Texas 
to Democratic Senators Mark Warner and Tim Kaine in Virginia, 
they seem more loyal to Ukraine than to the U.S. 
What a shame.