Perpetual wars, in the Middle East and Eastern Europe
Does the U.S. really need to get involved in these?
Not in my opinion.
Especially when it means Israel's very well documented and videographed destruction of apartment buildings in Gaza.
Pity the poor Palestinians.
You go, Israel.
Show us your values, and what you can do with U.S.-supplied 2,000 pound bombs and aircraft.
Show us Jewish values.
For polls on what Americans think (evidently not what I think), see
"Americans disapprove of Trump’s handling of Ukraine war, new polls show"
"This breaks down along partisan lines, with 77 percent of Democrats and 55 percent of independents saying Trump’s approach is bad for the country, while 61 percent of Republicans said it is good."
It seems Democrats are happy with perpetual war in the Pale of Settlement (and Palestine).
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