My love for Germany and Russia
There are two subjects I know at least a little about:
mathematics and music.
In each subject, Germany and Russia have made great contributions.
In mathematics, it is impossible to give examples understandable to those without an advanced education, but I will just mention three names:
Gauss, Euler, and Vladimir Voevodesky
For more Russian mathematicians, see
Music is much easier for the general public to appreciate.
For Germany, a shining example is BWV 71:
(What great videography!)
For Russia, a great example is Mussorsky's "Great Gate of Kiev":
Watch the middle-aged Valery Gergiev at the peak of his form,
giving a truly magnificent performance.
Leading a really huge (Japanese) orchestra.
So wonderful that Mussorsky, Ravel, Valarie Gergiev, and the splendid Japanese orchestra could combine to yield this magnificent performance.
(Giving credit where it is due.)
Note the brilliant alternation between the woodwinds and the horns,
with the timpani intervening.
May God bless the German and Russian people,
and preserve them from harm.
Forever and ever.
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