
Utter filth in the Virginia legislature


"Defense, intel veterans reject Tysons casino as ‘acute’ health and national security risk | Articles | fairfaxtimes.com" https://search.app/i2DzP7WjzKM7EYNR9

And who is promoting this horrible project?

L. Louise Lucas,
who describes herself as the "Casino Queen of Virginia".
"Northern Virginia Casino Set For Senate Vote, Bill Wins ‘Casino Queen’ Support" https://search.app/sGHGQrYj39s6WqL9A

"During Tuesday’s vote in the Finance and Appropriations Committee, 
the Tysons casino bill garnered Sen. L. Louis Lucas’ (D-Portsmouth) support, the so-called "Casino Queen of Virginia.” 
The longtime lawmaker, who has served in Richmond for more than three decades, championed Virginia’s 2020 gaming bill that legalized casinos in certain cities."

What a despicable person.
What a despicable idea: a casino in Fairfax.

For more information on this person, 
Google L. Louise Lucas casino 

See, in particular,

"Portsmouth Renaming Street Near Casino After State Senator" https://search.app/rBKkZdMDhSoRSv6x6

"Local government officials in Portsmouth, Va., are renaming a street near the city’s casino in recognition of the state lawmaker who championed the push to bring slot machines, table games, and sports betting to the commonwealth.

No lawmaker in the Richmond capital has been more supportive of casino gambling over the years than state Sen. L. Louise Lucas (D-Portsmouth). 
The trailblazer — Virginia’s first woman and Black lawmaker to hold the office of Senate president pro tempore — was the lead author of the 2020 statute that authorized casinos in certain cities, including Portsmouth. 
It’s garnered her the nickname of Virginia’s “casino lady.”  "

Again, what rotten values she espouses.

 But it's not just Lucas promoting the casino in Fairfax.
See what Senate Majority Leader Scott Surovell (D-34) said:

<Blockquote>Surovell questioned why the national security concerns didn’t crop up when Virginia legalized sports gambling on phones or when MGM National Harbor Hotel & Casino opened in Oxon Hill, Maryland, just on the other side of the Potomac River.

“If our national security community is so vulnerable to this, we’re already screwed,” Surovell said. 

“…It’s NIMBYism dressed up in a different set of clothes.”</blockquote> 

Surovell evidently a moron.

The IC, both within the government and in its contractors is thick and dense in Northern Virginia, especially the area around Tysons.

The last time I took the Metro out to Tysons, I noticed that the display ads in the Metro station were not hawking retail products or medical services, but employers looking for job seekers with high level clearances.

I got the message on who the people who used that Metro station tended to be.

Surovell is a lying turd if he can't recognize that fact, and admit its relevance.


For the vote by political party, see

"Fairfax casino legislation passes in Va. Senate - Virginia Business" https://search.app/5GK8bwypu7ueQemW7

"Voting yes Tuesday were [13] Democratic senators Lashrecse Aird, Lamont Bagby, Jennifer Carroll Foy, Ghazala Hashmi, Mamie Locke, Louise Lucas, Marsden, Jeremy McPike, Stella Pekarsky, Russet Perry, Aaron Rouse, Surovell and Angelia Williams Graves.

The following [11] Republicans voted yes: Christie New Craig, Bill DeSteph, J.D. “Danny” Diggs, Tara Durant, Timmy French, Emily Jordan, Todd Pillion, Bryce Reeves, William Stanley Jr., Richard Stuart and Glen Sturtevant Jr.

[8] Democrats voting no were: Jennifer Boysko, Creigh Deeds, Adam Ebbin, Barbara Favola, Danica Roem, Saddam Azlan Salim, Kannan Srinivasan and Schuyler T. VanValkenburg.

[8] Republicans voting no were: Luther Cifers III, Travis Hackworth, Christopher Head, Ryan McDougle, Tammy Brankley Mulchi, Mark Obenshain, Mark Peake and David Suetterlein."