
Who is controlling Arlington, Virginia education?

At one level, it is
"Superintendent's Cabinet and Organizational Chart - Arlington Public Schools" 
Three black people (two black men, one black woman), three white women, one Hispanic man.
Not a non-Hispanic white male in sight.
What do non-Hispanic white men know about mathematics, or how to teach it? (Sarcasm)
(I have to say, that photo is the left's idea of diversity.)

But to whom else is Superintendent Durán going for advice?

https://www.equityinedpartners.com/about , and

These are the people giving advice on how to teach mathematics?
These are the people who will help America compete with the Chinese?

I think the point here is:
What is Arlington prioritizing?
When I was growing up in the 1950s, competing with the Russians was a very big issue (an issue raised by  
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sputnik_crisis ).
In the 2020s, is competing with the Chinese a priority?
And how does that compare with equality of racial outcomes?
(An issue I don't think the Chinese need to worry about.)

Let's face it.
Arlington, Virginia politics is dominated by political correctness, at the expense of all else.


As to Arlington's ability to control spending, please see



" “Calibre CPA Group was hired to conduct an audit of the funds. After six months of reviewing the activity, it was determined Gant embezzled $410,782.10 throughout her tenure as president,” the release said. “Detectives were notified and began their investigation, while working closely with the accounting firm and AEA to review the documentation. Detectives determined Gant provided herself with multiple bonuses and used debit cards for unauthorized purchases.” "

A pattern here?