

"we all pay"

Definitely worth noting how the  left selectively applies that phrase.

Consider the following statement from a leftist lawyer ("dudeguy01") who comments at Arlnow:
<blockquote>If a lot of people get Covid and drive up healthcare costs, we all pay.

There are SO MANY reasons to care about public health besides your own safety. There was a time when that wasn't controversial.</blockquote>

How about if I modify the first sentence there to:
"If a lot of people get AIDS and drive up healthcare costs, we all pay."

What would be the reaction?
"Oohh, you're a homophobe", for daring to state the uncomfortable, for male homosexuals, truth?

Likewise for the costs to the total society of these filthy mutilations of people's genitals to make some perverts happy, and to embellish the income of the doctors that perform them.
Perversion rules, in some "elite" circles.
(Including the dirtbag AMA and APA (American Pervert Association).

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Another example from

$4 Million to Heirs Annually Cp Tighe
3 days ago
"who cares?"

Probably all the people you would have been exposed before getting to the point of needing hospitalization.

This will likely be too difficult to understand, but life is not all about you. 
Acting as a decent person with regard to covid means 
<i>caring about how your conduct impacts others.</i>

Do the male homosexuals buggering each other without using condoms 
care about how such conduct will end up driving up the nation's bill for health care?
I.e., "how [their] conduct impacts others"?

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That a broader public is FORCED to pay doctors of various types 
to cater to "transgenders" 
is shown by the following:

"Another law (HB 1429), signed a day before SB 868, 
prevents ministries from obtaining health insurance that doesn't cover 
sex reassignment surgery and related transgender medical procedures, such as hormone therapy."

I.e., if you support those ministries financially, then part of that support will be going to pay for those procedures.