The format of this is slightly changed from when it was part of the sidebar,
but all the information and the links themselves
are still here.
Note this is just an expedient during the Christmas season,
so that the main page has a cleaner appearance.
These are the links that were current as of 2007-12.
but all the information and the links themselves
are still here.
Note this is just an expedient during the Christmas season,
so that the main page has a cleaner appearance.
These are the links that were current as of 2007-12.
- Magazines and Webzines
- The American Conservative
- Chronicles Magazine
- American Renaissance
- The Occidental Quarterly
- Taki’s Top Drawer
- The Conservative Voice
- Virginia Dare
- pinc
- Al Jazeera English
(toward understanding The Other) - Ha’aretz
- World Public Opinion
- Philip Weiss’s Mondoweiss
- Norman Finkelstein’s Website
- People
- Patrick Buchanan
- Norman Finkelstein
- Bobby Fischer
- Rabbi Daniel Lapin:
MF - Alfred Lilienthal
- Kevin MacDonald
- title="Raimondo is writing truly outstanding columns
pointing out the deceits that got us into this war">* Justin Raimondo - J. Phillippe Rushton
- Steve Sailer
- Michael Scheuer:
CFR, - Phyllis Schlafly
- Israel Shahak:
JF - Joe Sobran
- Philip Weiss
- Politics
- the true meaning of conservatism
- title="The Twilight of Conservatism">Derbyshire on conservatism
- neoconservatism
- paleoconservatism
David Frum on paleocons;
responses from:
Scott McConnell
Joe Sobran
Sam Francis, more
Justin Raimondo
Jared Taylor
Thomas Fleming
Taki - Robert Novak on David Frum
- Council for National Interest: 1,
2 - AIPAC's Agenda is not America's
A Republic, Not an Empire - A president possessed?
- Dems and Iraq
- Dems versus Murtha
- Journalism
- Judith Miller
- the Weekly Standard and Iraq
- who what and why Slate censors
- Culture, Society, and the Jewish Enterprise
The Death of the West -
The Culture of Critique - AmRen review of CofC
- Derbyshire and
MacDonald debate - summary and more reviews of CofC
- sample from CofC
(best to skip to first heading;
note especially the Conclusion) - UJI I: Why Jews are so influential
- UJI II: Zionism
- UJI III: Neoconservatism
short version of the above -
review of The Jewish Century
short version of the above -
Righteous Victims: A History of the Zionist-Arab Conflict,1881-2001 -
The Great War for Civilisation:
The Conquest of the Middle East - Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
- Alfred Lilienthal on Israel
- Tony Judt on Israel
- Israel Shahak:
AA -
They Dare to Speak Out -
Deliberate Deceptions -
Jewish Power -
** Organized American Jews (1993) - anti-Zionist Jews: JAZ and
JNZ - ADL, per Lilienthal
- ADL Watch
- Alabaster’s Archive
- JTR (always negative, often valid)
- JTR on Iraq war
- World War IV
- Whose War?
- “Sharon is delirious for the war”
- No End to War
- why and how to leave Iraq
Derbyshire seconds the motion - who wants to invade Iran?
an excuse to nuke?
William Kristol’s half-step
Buchanan’s response - Israel's Fifth Column
- ** America's real strategic problem
The Clash of Civilizations -
The Great War for Civilisation:
The Conquest of the Middle East -
Bounding the Global War on Terrorism -
Dark Victory -
Dying to Win: The Strategic Logic of Suicide Terrorism -
Mapping the Global Future:
Global Trends 2020 -
Defense Science Board Report
on Strategic Communication - Able Danger
Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity -
VIPS prewar warning on intel. - Ray McGovern;
my post on him -
Kathleen and Bill Christison - Michael Scheuer
- Justin Raimondo
F - Senator Foghorn sounds off—
a klaxon call—
Iraq will never by the same - Jonathan Pollard: pro and
con - Neocons, Israel & the Bush admin.
DoD neocons versus the CIA - U.S. National Security Strategy:
2002, 2006,
Raimondo -
Imperial Hubris -
Through Our Enemies' Eyes -
Osama bin Laden states his issues - 2005-07-09: Zawahiri to Zarqawi
- 2005-10-06: Bush on terrorism
- 2005-10-19: Wilkerson at NAF
- 2005-10-24: Scowcroft in NY,
+ - 2005-11-30: Bush: “National Strategy for Victory in Iraq”,
reaction from Ray McGovern - 2006-01-19: bin Laden offers truce
- 2006-01-30: Zawahiri taunts Bush
- 2006-06-13: Pew: U.S. Image Slips
- 2006-09: “National Strategy for Combating Terrorism”
- Feminism and its consequences
- Spin Sisters
- Schlafly on Spin Sisters
- Home-Alone America,
pb ed. - *** Kurtz on Home-Alone America:
“Increasingly, we’re medicating children for mental illnesses
that barely existed in the past.” - Schlafly: no child left unmedicated
- day care may hurt kids ... but don’t worry!
a thousand reasons not to pay attention to studies that knock day care - Day Care Deception
- Brian Robertson on day care
- a feminist view: 1
and 2 - no-fault divorce
- “violence need not be violent”
and more feminist lunacy
that judges, legislators, and
university administrators love - VAWA: Who the Dems
discriminate against:
men, as second-class citizens.
This is really an outrage!
*** Phyllis Schlafly on VAWA
*** More from Schafly on VAWA
*** Carey Roberts on VAWA
Gordon Finley on VAWA - a neanderthal response: 1
and 2 - Summers, Kinsley, and Estrich;
another feminist scam - overpaid women, underpaid men
- Science
- Saunders Mac Lane
- history of mathematics
- mathematical art
- relativity visualized
- Increase fusion research funding!
- 2005-10-12 NAS rpt on US science
- a check on biotech?
- Rushton+Jensen on race and IQ
the inheritability of intelligence - cultural differences: a DNA link?
- nonscience
- Education
- The War Against Boys
- groupthink on campus
- Derbyshire on diversity
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