
Empathy? Cruelty? Empathy for whom?

See this Sally Jenkins column:


"sauerbraten", Sally?
Are you biased against Germans?
I happen to like sauerbraten.
Is there something wrong with that?

Sally Jenkins concluded 

"Whatever you think about trans athletes, surely the subject, in which so much science remains undetermined, calls for empathy. These executive orders, as they’re written, are barbarism."

"Undetermined science"?
That is an absurdity.
The difference between men and women is well understood.
For example, women can bear children, men cannot.
Men have penises, women have vaginas.
Is that too hard for Sally to understand?

Of course there are some gray areas.
Infertile men and women.
The very rare people who have truly mixed sexual characteristics.
But those rare exceptions should not invalidate the basic dichotomy between men and women.

Which should exclude people with truly male sexual characteristics and abilities from competing athletically with women.