
Classic Hollywood movies circa 1950

Taking a break from writing about current events in the 21C, 
here are some classic Hollywood movies from circa 1950.

1953 Shane https://g.co/kgs/112eku

1952 High Noon https://g.co/kgs/PFYJWS

1949 She Wore a Yellow Ribbon https://g.co/kgs/wjL51v
This will give you a taste of this movie:

1948 Fort Apache https://g.co/kgs/Fuqu91
Fort Apache features a significant role by the 21-year-old Shirley Temple.

All of these movies are examples of the classic era of Hollywood westerns.

Personally, I like the versions of these available at Google TV.
For around $15, you get a nice version you can either watch online or download.

And here is another movie from that period:

1947 The Ghost and Mrs. Muir https://g.co/kgs/EnNAqi
featuring Rex Harrison and a lovely Gene Tierney, with Natalie Wood when she was a child.
Note: Why was the story behind this movie written?
Because so many women in England at the time were war widows, having lost their husbands in the carnage of WW2.