
Misconduct in schools

That a 6-year-old shot his teacher has been widely reported.
Not so widely reported has been a detailed description of what preceded that shooting.
This account is really eye-opening:


"A 6-year-old Virginia boy who shot and wounded his first-grade teacher constantly cursed at staff and teachers, tried to whip students with his belt and once choked another teacher “until she couldn’t breathe,” according to a legal notice filed by an attorney for the wounded teacher.
Two days before the shooting, the boy allegedly “slammed” Zwerner’s cellphone and broke it...


Meanwhile, some people are opposing uniform standards for discipline in schools,
on the grounds that such would, what else, disproportionately affect certain groups:


An excerpt from that article:

"In a letter to the Senate Education and Health Committee, the groups said the bill mandates student removal from class for subjective interpretations of "disruptive" or "violent" behavior without addressing the underlying cause of the behavior. The new mandate would create "a negative cycle that leads to learning loss and increased behavior problems which, in turn, have been proven to worsen outcomes for students," the groups said.


"Extreme punishments are already being inflicted upon students with disabilities whose behavior is not dangerous but rather is a form of attempted communication, dysregulation, or a manifestation of their disability," the groups said. "

KHarbaugh comment:

What these groups seem to ignore is how 
the disruptive behavior of one student can adversely affect the learning of all the other students in the class.
As so often happens these days, the well-being of the larger society is being ignored.


Another shocking incident:

New Jersey student ends her life after months of bullying, video of school hallway beating circulates online
