

Euler’s classification (1776) of isometries in dimensions ≤ 3.

Euler’s classification (1776)
of isometries in dimensions ≤ 3
Fixed Point?
Yes No
OP rotations ρ (dim ≥ 2) translations τ (dim ≥ 1)
screw (dim ≥ 3)
OR reflections σ (dim ≥ 1)
rotary reflections (dim ≥ 3)
glide reflections γ (dim ≥ 2)

  1. OP = orientation-preserving = even = direct = Isom+
    OR = orientation-reversing = odd =opposite = Isom-

  2. Each non-identity isometry is in precisely one of the above categories.

  3. Wikipedia discusses:
    Classification of Euclidean plane isometries and
    Overview of isometries in up to three dimensions.

  4. Reflections
    More precisely, we mean reflections in a hyperplane of codimension 1
    (thus in 2-space, in a line, in 3-space, in a plane)
    with respect to the orthogonal line to the hyperplane.

  5. Rotations in 2-space are with respect to a point,
    in 3-space with respect to a line.
    Thus rotations are always within a plane,
    about the orthogonal complement.
    Of course, in dimensions ≥ 4 things get more complicated,
    and are best discussed in terms of
    the decomposition of orthogonal operators studied in linear algebra.
    This link, if it is still active, gives the relevant theorem.
    There is also Wikipedia’s discussion of the orthogonal group,
    but that covers much more than is immediately relevant.

  6. Glide reflections:
    The direction of the glide is always within the reflecting hyperplane:
    in 2-space the reflecting line, in 3-space the reflecting plane.
    Glide reflections in 3-space are sometimes called
    glide plane operations”.

  7. Screw = rotary translation = glide rotation

  8. Inversions
    By inversion
    we mean what is sometimes called
    “central inversion” or “inversion in a point.”
    In 2-space, an inversion through a point
    is just a half-turn about the point, thus a rotation.
    In 3-space, for inversion through a point
    we may choose any line through that point,
    perform a half-turn rotation around that line
    combined with a reflection in
    the plane orthogonal to that line and through that point,
    thus we have a rotary reflection.
    This example shows that although each isometry
    is in one and only one of the above categories,
    its precise expression within that category is not unique.

  9. The familiar (from high school geometry) property of
    congruence of figures in the plane
    simply means that
    one figure is the image of the other under an isometry.

  10. There is doubt as to how much of that classification
    Euler really discovered.
    I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt,
    following Coolidge’s History of Geometrical Methods
    as cited in George Martin’s Transformation Geometry.

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