
FARA - for me, not for thee


<Blockquote>Crowds began gathering outside the parliament building in central Tbilisi [Georgia] early Wednesday, just a day after security forces beat back and detained demonstrators protesting the government’s controversial plans to label NGOs, media outlets and campaign groups receiving funding from abroad as <b>“foreign agents.”</b>

Critics say the bill, which was passed by MPs at its third reading on Tuesday, mirrors Russian-style legislation that has been used by the Kremlin to quash dissent and target activists.


Washington almost immediately hinting it could sanction top politicians if the bill is made law.</blockquote>

Compare the U.S. FARA - Foreign Agents Registration Act


An update:


<Blockquote>Officials responsible for pushing forward Georgia’s <b>Russian-style “foreign agents” law</b> could face asset freezes and travel bans under a new bill to be presented to the U.S. Congress.</blockquote>

This is utterly sick.
The U.S. has its FARA.
Note how the media and politics are full of Russia-hating hypocrites, ignoring the double standard that should be obvious to them.